I choose this topic specifically because I think fairies in general are just fascinating creatures. Another reason is that I am curious to learn about fairies and how they came to "exist". I think one of the many reasons that they are interesting is because they are of magical descent and are known to exist in fantasy lands. I think it would be amazing if such lands actually existed. It is interesting, to me, the way fairies are depicted in not only pictures but also in movies such as Tinkerbell in Peter-Pan and the fairy God Mother in Cinderella. (Celtic Mythology: Fairies). However, the other side of the coin fairies, not often, can be seen as creatures of evil, which I find to be odd because I've always thought of fairies to be fun loving, peaceful, good and graceful beings. I have found something else to be interesting about fairies is there so called powers that they posses and what do they use them for and how they came about having them in the first place. It has been told that they, according to the Celts, that there powers/gifts are considered to be a from of witchcraft (Fairies, Magic, Witchcraft).
"Celtic Mythology: Fairies." Timeless Myths .com. 6 March 2005. Web. 29 October 2010.
Layoutsparks. com. 2008. Web. 30 October 2010.
"Fairies, Magic, Witchcraft: The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries." Worldspirtuality. org. Web. 30
October 2010. <http://www.worldspirituality.org/fairy-magic.html>.